
Using Powerschool

There are a couple of ways that you can maneuver from one page to another. You can use the back arrow at the top left side of the page. You can always click on the logo in the upper left that will take you back to the first page – the summary of attendance and grades for your son or daughter. The third way is to click on an icon on the left side of the page, under your child’s name.

In the upper right of most pages in the blue bar you will see a Print Page icon that will allow you to print the page you are viewing.

The Lenox Community Schools recognizes that what you will see is not always perfect or accurate. We are working with our faculty to achieve consistency. Please be patient with Lenox Community Schools as we are developing this program to be the best it can be.

Please make sure you logout when you are finished with the viewing and communicating.

If you are having any trouble, please contact Leah Henderson, Email Leah Henderson.